Landscaping Maintenance: Maintenance of all plant materials and irrigation systems within the community’s common areas, parks, and right-of-ways is provided by the District’s subcontracted landscape team. The landscaping team mows, edges, trims, fertilizes and mulches on a regular schedule. And they plant all those colorful flowers each season! The District landscape maintenance pertains to District common areas only and does not cover individual neighborhoods landscape maintenance
Lake Maintenance: The district contracts with a private firm to keep our lakes free from unwanted algae and vegetation, a challenging assignment with the varying weather conditions found in Southwest Florida
Storm Water Management: The lakes throughout Hacienda Lakes created to be both functional and beautiful. As part of the storm water management system, the lakes must meet state water quality standards and provide for flood control. Lake levels are designed to fluctuate throughout the year as the rain and ground water levels vary. The planting of lake banks with aquatic plants and the introduction of aeration systems help to maintain water quality.
The storm water first flows through drainage culverts and swales where much of the sediment and organic debris settles. The water collects in wetland areas, marshes, and man-made lakes where it is further detained for filtration before flowing into offsite connections.
Irrigation Water Supply System: The District provides an non-potable water supply for the irrigation systems in the District common areas. The non-potable water comes directly from lakes. The lake levels fluctuate with the Florida seasons. It is very full during the summer rainy season and the level drops during the dry winter season. The lake and water management system are also replenished from a well that are monitored and maintained by the District.
Street sweeping: Street sweeping is provided for all community roads. In the future, Individual neighborhoods may execute an agreement to have the District sweep their streets.
Monument Maintenance: The District cleans and paints the monument signs at the community entrance. The Hacienda Lakes residential neighborhoods and commercial complexes are responsible for maintaining their own signage.